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Taking a Deep Breath Together and

Listening for the Call of the Future

Intergenerational conversations to surface the creativity and wisdom needed to improve education and understand, adapt to, and solve present and future issues.

Introduction to CHiLL
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What is CHLL?

Intergenerational Conversations to Improve Education

CHLL is an intergenerational podcast hosted by four women – Cally, Heather, Lois, and Louise (CHLL) – that explores the intersections of education and our world. We discuss with people of all ages and backgrounds how improving education can help solve the issues facing humanity and vice versa: how addressing the issues facing humanity can inform and improve education.

We believe bringing together educators, artists, activists, and community members from all generations is important to materialize the creativity and wisdom for humanity to experience well-being.

We are excited to share these conversations with you!

Our Guiding Question

How can understanding the relationships between problems of the world and problems in education help humanity achieve well-being?

Why Attention to Generational Distinctions Matter

Knowledge, attitudes and perspectives are influenced by the times we are born into and
experience as we age. Intentional inclusion and interaction among people from all
generations maximizes our collective wisdom.

 Generation Z - born 2001 to 2020, ages 6-23 in 2022
 The Millennial Generation - born 1981 to 2000, ages 24-38 in 2022
 Generation X - born 1965 to 1980, ages 38-53 in 2022
 Baby Boomers - born 1946 to 1964, ages 54-73 in 2022
 The Silent and the Greatest Generations - born 1925 to 1945, ages 73-104+

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